The world is waiting to read your stories. Why are you holding back?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Writer's Block Is A Cop-out!

Writers have bemoaned writer's block for decades. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines writer's block as "a psychological inhibition preventing a writer from proceeding with a piece."

I say writer's block is cop-out. It is simply an excuse for resisting the creative process at hand. Yes, we can stall out. Yes, our creative juices can run dry. Yes, fears and thoughts of "not being good enough" can stop us dead in our tracks. But we can choose whether we give into these obstacles or take action to move beyond them. 

The key is to move! Go for a walk. Do a puzzle. Play some music. Dance. Motion shakes things up, stirs new thoughts, taps into other perspectives. It gives your creativity a chance to play.

Then sit back down and write! Write everything and anything that pops into your head. Eventually the words will lead back to the writing you were engaged in. And your creativity will flow once again. 

You can wallow in the victim's role of writer's block. Or you can embrace writing fears and obstacles as messages to take a break, let your creativity play and then get back into writing.

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