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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Get Guidance and Reveal Solutions By Writing from Source

A power rests within each of us. When we tap into this power, answers to our questions and solutions to our problems become revealed. I use writing to tap into this power.

Through my years of journaling, I have called this power by different names. Intuition. Muse. Inner Voice. Inner Guide The Universe. Spirit. God. Creative Genius.  You may call your power by yet another name.  

The word that I find all-encompassing is Source. When I am tapping into the power within me through writing, I call that process Writing from Source. And it’s amazing!

While writing from source, I use a variety of approaches. Sometimes I converse with Source. Other times I follow prescribed exercises to reveal insights that lead to guidance, understanding and solutions.  Whatever the approach, Writing from Source always brings me peace of mind.

During this holiday season, I am sharing Writing from Source with all who care to discover its benefits through a free teleseminar series. This is a time of year when so many of us face challenging situations around money, loss, melancholy, relationships and obligations. You can get guidance on how to move through these issues through Writing from Source.

Come join me on Tuesdays November 16 through December 28 and Survive the Angst, Stress and Sadness of the Holiday Season with the Guidance and Solutions Revealed When Writing from Source.  Attend all the Tuesdays you can.

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