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Monday, June 28, 2010

There Is = Lazy Writing

When I see "there is" and "there are" in an article, I want to throttle the writer for being lazy. Yes,coming up with a descriptive noun and an active verb often requires extra thought and creativity. But that’s what good writers are supposed to do.

Take a look at how just a few changes give these sentences more life.

- There’s a show at ABC Theater for all tastes.
Whatever your taste, ABC Theater has a show for you.

- There’s always something exciting going on in Our Town.
Something exciting is always going on in Our Town.

- There are numerous self-guided trails to enjoy the spectacular views of the lake.
Numerous self-guided trails lead to spectacular views of the lake.

If you catch yourself using "there is" or "there are," ask yourself, what noun can replace "there" and what verb can replace "is" or "are." Do that and your writing instantly improves. And you become an active instead of a lazy writer.

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