The world is waiting to read your stories. Why are you holding back?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Power Your Writing With Dynamic Verbs

Verbs — run, talk, sleep — drive a story forward. They describe actions. The more specific the verb, the more your reader can see the story you're telling.

For example, "run" is a general verb which creates any number of images. What do you see when you read this sentence?  The girl ran down the street.

Let's see what happens when we choose specific verbs, like these:
The girl skipped down the street.
The girl dashed down the street.
The girl sauntered down the street.

Verb choice makes a huge difference in the mood and energy of the image, doesn't it. The more specific your verb selections, the more control you, the writer, have over the image your reader sees.

See what specific verbs you can use instead of "talk" and "sleep."

How about chatter, gossip, whisper ...

And snooze, doze...

Go ahead. Give it a try!

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