The world is waiting to read your stories. Why are you holding back?

Monday, June 28, 2010

There Is = Lazy Writing

When I see "there is" and "there are" in an article, I want to throttle the writer for being lazy. Yes,coming up with a descriptive noun and an active verb often requires extra thought and creativity. But that’s what good writers are supposed to do.

Take a look at how just a few changes give these sentences more life.

- There’s a show at ABC Theater for all tastes.
Whatever your taste, ABC Theater has a show for you.

- There’s always something exciting going on in Our Town.
Something exciting is always going on in Our Town.

- There are numerous self-guided trails to enjoy the spectacular views of the lake.
Numerous self-guided trails lead to spectacular views of the lake.

If you catch yourself using "there is" or "there are," ask yourself, what noun can replace "there" and what verb can replace "is" or "are." Do that and your writing instantly improves. And you become an active instead of a lazy writer.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Write Now! Early Registation Ends June 25th

Get sizzling summer savings now for five weeks of group instruction, coaching and discussion.

Early registration savings for Write Now! Jump Start Your Writing Project ends midnight tomorrow, Friday June 25th. Sign up today on the Group Coaching page.

All sessions are conducted by phone so you won’t even need to leave home. Classes run Tuesday evenings, July 13 to August 10.

Just think how wonderful you’ll feel at the end of the summer when your writing project is zooming forward -- or even completed!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

3 Ways to Make Writing Easier For You

Writing doesn’t have to be a struggle, but all too often it is.  
The culprit? Starting to write before anchoring the process by answering these basic questions. 
  • Why are you writing this essay, novel or how-to book?  Are you writing it for a contest, publication, assignment? To chronicle your family history? To heighten your professional credibility? To express your opinion about a topic dear to you? The more you understand your "why" and the more compelling your “why,” the easier it is to start and keep writing. 
  • What are you writing about? Can you describe your theme in 25 to 50 words?  These few words serve as a helpful guide, especially if you get stuck or off track.  
  • Who is the ideal reader? When you can envision your ideal reader, you can write as though speaking directly to him or her. The words start to flow naturally. 
Taking time upfront to answer the questions “why, what and who” will give you a solid base for launching your writing process and guiding you to completion. Instead of struggling, you may even find yourself experiencing the sheer joy of being in the flow!    

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Power Your Writing With Dynamic Verbs

Verbs — run, talk, sleep — drive a story forward. They describe actions. The more specific the verb, the more your reader can see the story you're telling.

For example, "run" is a general verb which creates any number of images. What do you see when you read this sentence?  The girl ran down the street.

Let's see what happens when we choose specific verbs, like these:
The girl skipped down the street.
The girl dashed down the street.
The girl sauntered down the street.

Verb choice makes a huge difference in the mood and energy of the image, doesn't it. The more specific your verb selections, the more control you, the writer, have over the image your reader sees.

See what specific verbs you can use instead of "talk" and "sleep."

How about chatter, gossip, whisper ...

And snooze, doze...

Go ahead. Give it a try!