The world is waiting to read your stories. Why are you holding back?

Why Bother To Have A Coach?

When I first heard about coaching 10 years ago, I wondered why all the buzz? Why would I pay someone to do what I ought to be able to do for myself?

I soon discovered why when I won a series of free sessions at a conference. I remember being awestruck time and again by my responses to exercises and questions. Many times words like these tumbled out of my mouth: “I didn’t realize how important that (goal, thing, person) is to me!”

Since discovering the value of coaching during that initial experience, I have regularly signed on for 1:1 and group coaching for different personal and professional goals.

Now, I also coach. My clients are writers. During each 5-week series, I have watched their writing creativity and expertise notably improve, even soar. As a coach, I facilitate their progress, but it’s their commitment to their intentions, goals and dreams that makes it happen.

Here are some of the benefits I have personally experienced by having a coach:
  • Accountability to someone else to meet my personally-scheduled deadlines
  • A nonjudgmental, compassionate listener
  • Giving “voice” to my goals by stating them out loud to another person
  • Being able to ask “dumb” questions without feeling embarrassed
  • Valuing my professional growth by investing in it
  • 1:1 access to the knowledge and expertise of a professional
What has been your experience with coaching? I’d love to know. If you have questions about coaching, send them my way. I’ll do my best to answer them. (Send your comments and questions to